View Profile Swordstick76
Hi I'm swordstick76. I like techno music, anime and manga, running, playing guitar, animation, and hentai. Nice to meet you. I also hate pullups.



Why do you want my information

Go eat rocks, i dont care

Joined on 11/22/05

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Swordstick76's News

Posted by Swordstick76 - July 1st, 2009

I find it very annoying that Tom and Rob and everyone came out with the art portal, but STILL have not put up the chat >:(

In other news, happy face.


Posted by Swordstick76 - June 15th, 2008

/* */
I use facebook now... Anyways, I just had to get rid of that horrible news post, so here's a new one... I love this video.

Posted by Swordstick76 - May 29th, 2008

23456789101112131415161718192021232425 26272829230313233343536373839404142434 44546474849505152535456575859606162636 46567686970717273747475762345678910111 21314151617181920212324252627282923031 32333435363738394041424344454647484950 51525354565758592345678910111213141516 17181920212324252627282923031323334353 63738394041424344454647484950515253545 65758596061626364656768697071727374747 57660616263646567686970717273747475762 34567891011121314151617181920212324252 62728292303132333435363738394041424344 45464748495051525354565758596234567891 01112131415161718192021232425262728292 30313233343536373839404142434445464748 49505152535456575859606162636465676869 70717273747475760616263646567686970717 27374747576

Posted by Swordstick76 - May 2nd, 2008

I got my new, ng, t-shirt, with some tankmen stickers and a couple of pico ones with em, And i got the parachuting steve Tee.

It's a beautiful day for me today, i am so happy, it just fuels me to buy more NG related items!!!

Everyone, please, I demand you congradulate me. NOW!

edit --
2 random people just commented. But, my page isn't that famous! How do you guys get to my page? add that as well, when you comment. Unless it's kinda obvious and you know me...

I bet all you n00bs without NG tees fap to this pic. I understand, I was one of you this morning. BUT FEELS THIS POWA!!!! : 3

edit 2 --
lol, I got another shirt cause i liked the first one so much... The pico one that was on sale. When it comes, I'll take a picture of everything, lol.

I like to think that i'm keeping NG in buisness ;)

edit 3 --


Posted by Swordstick76 - April 30th, 2008

I've been waiting all week to say this.... HAPPY PICO DAY!!!!

comment about the first time you logged on to see what had changed!


Posted by Swordstick76 - April 29th, 2008

This was an article that you can find in the magazine The Week

Politics: What is an 'elitist'?

Forget "being called a criminal, a philanderer, or a terrorist sympathizer," said Paul Farhi in The Washington Post. These days, the most incendiary accusation in American politics is the term "elitist." Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has been trying to fight off that label since the golden-tongued orator was caught at a closed-door fund-raiser explaining how "bitter" small-town voters "cling" to guns and religion out of misplaced economic frustration. Conservative pundits immediately assailed him with the E-word, said The Economist in an editorial, which is rich considering that Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, et al., have made millions by stoking and exploiting the common man's resentment of "the elites." The last time we checked, America was a meritocracy. Aren't we supposed to admire the elite and aspire to join them through study, skill, and hard work?

Money and success have nothing to do with it, said Dean Barnett in The Weekly Standard. The "elitism" Americans object to might more accurately be termed "elitist condescension." This "smug superiority" is found everywhere on the left, and it's an attitude Democratic candidates can't seem to shake-or disguise. Like the sighing Al Gore and the droning John Kerry before him, Obama acts like a man duty-bound to come to the rescue of a nation whose "citizens are too stupid to look out for themselves." Give Obama credit for knowing his audience, said Debra Saunders in the San Francisco Chronicle. While speaking to a roomful of Democratic fat cats here in San Francisco, Obama brilliantly expressed the howl of anguish at the core of liberal philosophy: "Oh why, oh why isn't the rest of America as enlightened as we are?"

Obama's remarks may have been "ill-chosen," said Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times, but he's vulnerable to the "elitism" charge only because he's usually so eloquent. "Elitist," these days, seems to have become a disparaging synonym for nuanced and intelligent-for anyone, in fact, who doesn't reduce the world to moronic, us/them simplicity. The country's real elite are rich and conservative, said Thomas Frank in The Wall Street Journal, and the growing aversion to thoughtful analysis suits this new ruling class just fine. Over the last decade, phony common men such as George Bush and Dick Cheney have turned this country from a "middle-class republic" to a "plutocracy," while pretending to be "jes' folks." If you hear the term "elitist," you can be sure the person hurling it is a phony, while the target is simply someone who believes this should be a fairer society.


i specifically made this post because I believe that this fact needs to be talked about. So let's talk politics, you and I. Is Obama an elitist? i say yes. what about you?

Posted by Swordstick76 - April 19th, 2008

For those who don't know, I have an esurance fetish. So from now on, I will hereby catolouge any websites that are given to me with esurance porn. No, I do not go looking around for esurance hentai. Too lazy for that... But occasionally since i have come out of the closet, people have given me sites full of the amazing shit that is esurance hentai. So, like a loyal dog, I will list them here, so I have a set of sites to fap to later *wink*

So far:
NSFW, but hot as hell!! - Thanks goes out to Electric-bla
(Insert cum here) - The-Great-one = GOD!

Edit -- --
Thanks to my cousin, I have discovered the wonder that is xfire. If anybody I know or even give a shit about uses this beautiful software, please, comment with necessary information so that we can share the wonder together... I really need to check out america's army.

Edit 2-- --
Another edit! this time i bring you a funny vid, but one that has no esurance. I DEMAND ESURANCE PORN!

/* */
<img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/c o/type/0/hazakyad.png" width="440" height="111" />

Posted by Swordstick76 - March 28th, 2008


Why wonder whether or not I like ya? Of course I like ya! Oh wait, I don't like many people at all. In fact, I'd rather tell ya who I hate. But, I did promise, so Y'know what? I'll tell ya both!

Numbers 1 2 and 3 are the top. The rest are the rest, which are equal.

Who Do I like???
#1: Slashfirestorm. This guy writes pokemon shit that is like crack. It'll send you on a memorable trip. and it's just as addictive too.
#2: Shalashaska-1. He writes nearly as well as Slash does, about a similarly as pleasing topic as slash -- zombies. How qauint.
#3: Peregrinus. Really great guy. It's just too bad that the navy didn't pan out and it died, it's really too bad.
Special Category: The-Great-One. I officially love this guy. Like ugly man love. That much.
The rest of my friends:
JarrodK. Awesomesauce artist. This guy is a whiz with photoshop. Way better than me, and i'm proud to admit that. Navy. :(
Rob. I want to make ugly man love to him, for he is teh gratezt!
Chickidydow. Your name is so fun to say :) and you're an amazing writer as well!
JakFro5t. This guy welcomed me into the Survival RPG, and I appreciate the kindness from him ever since.
Misumena. Probably the only regular on Survival RPG who regularly visits the forum. :) JK, i love all of you guys, frequent or not. It's just i have no life... :)
Slapdamonkeyaz. My great benefactor. Seriously. He rocks fo shizzle'didizzle. GO SLAPS!!!!
Karlu20. Porn with a plot baby!
CTM222. Interestingly enough, we share many things in common. C'mon my adventuring questing relationshiping brother!
Sweet-tooth-pico-fan. Nother brother from the same mother. The mother that is the relationship crew.
Vincoid. I respect him more than i like him. he's an ok guy, but good to go for advice to. (Wonder what crew i met him in???)

Alright, that's all the nice peoples fo now.

Vndgl. He's kindasorta interesting.
Tom Fulp. I don't know him personally (obviously) but since he did set up newgrounds, he's pretty cool.
zone12. He's not very smart, but his heart's in the right place.
Blue-Dragon. Don't know him all that well.
Pelemus-McSoy. His names pele! like the soccer player!!! :) yeah, go watch his flash, teh CC shorts. fucking hilarious, man. hilarious.

ok. I hate:
#1: lilcheeselad. He writes as badly as chaz, kerma, and aithiestdude put together, and writes as much in 4 posts. Oh, and did i mention he kills off his character? YOUR STUFF IS CRAP.

Kerma. OMG you're a fuckhole. Way to screw up the story!!
Timex247. Another fuckhole who screws up the story, and can't write properly.
Black-Lightning. STOP DOING DRUGS YOU DOOSHBAG!!! And you are really, really, screwed up, man.


Guess Who I Like! Ha! You're Wrong >:)

Posted by Swordstick76 - March 9th, 2008

This "poem" is meant to be a discussion with myself. I put it on here because i am proud of it, and i am deciding whether or not i wish to put it on a scene in a future flash movie.

Man's Own Necessity
by Swordstick76

Who am I?
I am me.
That isn't much of a great description...
I know.
Who are you?
I am you.
Why am I?
Because I am.
Why do I hurt?
Because I can.
Why do I feel emotion?
Because emotion gives me life.
So I define myself through my emotion?
One is who one is...
Why am I depressed?
Because I am.
So I am depressed simply because I feel depressed?
Why do I live?
Because living is preferable to dying.
Then why do I exist?
Because I do.
Why am I here?
Because here is the best place to be.
I repeat, who am I?
I am what I wish to be.
I wish to be myself.
I am myself.
But how do I define myself? What do I show to others?
I show others what I wish for them to see.
Then what do I want them to see?
That is up to me.

Tsa un koku no tenshi no yo no ni, Shonen, yo shinwa ni nara!!!!

Questioning oneself.

Posted by Swordstick76 - February 15th, 2008

I have flash mx:
but i suck so i'm holding off on putting something into the portal.
If you want to find me, pm me or check out zombie rpg. I'm always on there, eventually.

I have something to show to all of you